Rod Boivin Thoughts


New member
Sep 21, 2004

Interesting controversy over "Rod" here on the forum. He is currently 1-2 on bets involving predetermined outcomes.

Just some common sense points...

If he really had access to the reviews, there is no rational reason for him to share that information with the posters here. All it does is drag the lines down for himself, and accelerates InterTops getting tired of being burned. How many more weeks do you think these lines would be offered before they get stripped? It would be FAR more profitable for him to squeeze 'Tops using this information, considering that they'd be slower on the uptake when it's just one person hitting the right lines instead of a dozen.

What's this nonsense about "sneaking" into Ebert's office to catch a glimpse of his reviews? Ebert, in all likelihood, composes his stuff on the PC, then dials it to wherever it needs to go. And I seriously doubt his computer isn't password-protected.

I'm not sure what to make of first instinct was that he was working for InterTops and looking to gain trust before feeding us bad information. If so, that's a fairly low way of profiting, and I have to give them the benefit of the doubt. What's more, it seems unlikely that they'd waste that time and risk to their reputation over a few hundred bucks.

More likely, Boivin either truly got wind of the Daddy Day Care review but was unable to duplicate that feat, or got lucky in that guess and decided to see if lightning would strike twice.

I'm just at a loss why anyone would purposely dupe bettors when money is at stake, unless there was some way of profiting from that. And it's odd he did call his first wager correctly.

Something definitely doesn't add up here, and it would be quite unwise to follow another "lead" of his again. (For the record, all of it seemed fishy and I passed.)

If his story is legit, then his friend has got to be the most incomponent idiot to ever walk the earth. What's the point of a "source" if he's dumber than a box of rocks?

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
my take is this:

he has been here only a few weeks. he basically comes out of nowhere and starts posting "inside info" plays. he gets the 1st one right and people think he is god. he gets the next one wrong - and people aren't so happy. he then says he is sure of the 3rd pick - and gets it wrong, too.

the way i see it is this: NO ONE MADE you play his advice. you CHOSE to do it. therefore - you all have to take some of the blame, too.

i think it is pretty much a given that rod has lost the faith of all here - and if he posts anothr pick here - NO ONE will follow it - nor should they.

YOU all chose to play the picks of someone you don't know very well at all - so YOU all should also take some of the heat!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah, I take 99% of the blame myself for following this. I just couldn't think of a motivation for him to lie about it. My bad.

You think Intertops will make the bet "no action" if we tell them we had "inside information"?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well written, Royler. It echoes my feelings on the matter. My guess is that he was purely guessing based on early word, and then proceeded to give himself at least one out on each movie (even for DDC he reported two different ratings). I don't give credence to the "working for Intertops" theory because:

A) even if you bet all 3 times @$55, you should have hit DDC at +225, therefore you'd still be ahead a little
B) Intertops makes plenty of REAL money on the up and up. No need to milk about 30-40 people out of their $55

I will just chalk this up as one big mystery. Looking back on it, there were so many things that didn't add up (just think about it, an alleged source who can't even get the stars right for one movie? It's not as if Ebert reviews 50 movies a week. He maybe reviews 4 at best). For me, I won one lost one, so I'm still ahead and for that I say thanks, I guess.

Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
I had a feeling this guy was a total jackass when he ended his last post with:
"Piece" out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Funny shitt. LOL. There's no "mystery" in figuring who this guy is nor should there be. I didn't wager on his first pick, the second one I lost some change, the third I knew he's full of shitt, simple as that. The guy has to be the worst liar, his stories are wack.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
But I feel like an idiot... for following the advice of an idiot. No ones falt but my own.

We all learned a lesson.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

LOL. You all should get real jobs. I better get off the PC before my daddy gets home, he gets pissed off when he catches me on his computer... I'm only 13 years old.

Bye, dudes.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
lol. That makes me wonder how old all of the poster in here are. I can sense some maturity on many posters but on others is different. But this is funny. A kid duped many of us in here. LOL

New member
Jan 1, 2001
we've all heard it a million times if its to good to be true, it isn't. and how there is no such thing as a sure thing. The reason I played it is I still cant find any motivation for this guy to come on here and deceive people. It boggles my mind. Also the 2-1 odds helped, wouldn't have taken it if it was even money. Oh well, I'm just glad the limits weren't higher and I didnt have any of my friends on it with me, at least I'll be the only one blaming me. Thanks for the big play Rod!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Just for kicks I did a people search at Yahoo. Not sure if he would post under his real name, but there's a Roderick Boivin age 43 in Keshena, WI, complete with address and phone #. Maybe its just his plan to get backlash on this guy?

I'm not one to hold a grudge, but maybe others are?

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